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 2010-03-21 - Journée Européenne de l'Orgue - 21 mars

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Julien Girard
Julien Girard

Messages : 1090
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2009
Localisation : Neuilly-Plaisance

2010-03-21 - Journée Européenne de l'Orgue - 21 mars Empty
MessageSujet: 2010-03-21 - Journée Européenne de l'Orgue - 21 mars   2010-03-21 - Journée Européenne de l'Orgue - 21 mars EmptyMer 20 Jan 2010 - 18:07

Citation :
Thanks to your irreplaceable and precious collaboration, the European Organ Day – Eurorganday of 21st March 2010 is setting out becoming an authentic organ tradition, celebrating more and more passionately the birth of the grand Bach.

To make this ancient but current instrument be known all over Europe, also in the places where it isn’t still well valued. So, let’s collaborate with the same passion as always. Organists and organ lovers’ dream is seeing the organ in the centre of European musical life.

Events celebrated at the same time will produce such a big European resonance that the most important mass media will be attracted. They will increase the importance of our action. Be constant in this event and communicate your initiative to newspapers, radios and televisions that you know.

Our effort of simple but compact voluntary work will be rewarded by an unique success characterysed by humanity. World needs values, so our example will be enjoyed by societies we live in: you cannot only think about yourself, but you should share present and future with others.

Expecially to young organists: let’s create a new world, able to understand their needs to grow in a society where “positive strenghts” work productively, so anyone will be able to do his best.

So, you can contribute to this project by forwarding this message to organists you know and by promoting an organ event in the church or in the institute where you are the owner: initiatives like a liturgy, a concert, a guided journey, etc.

Then, send the relative dates in whose descriptive card you will fill in own language to my e-mail address: mauropappagallo@gmail.com or compile the relative space on the website www.confederazioneorganisticaitaliana.it .

All the dates will constitute the timetable of the events of EURORGANDAY 21ST MARCH 2010. If you want, we can publish your photo and curriculum with the information of the event. In this case, you should send your information to web@confederazioneorganisticaitaliana.it

I thank you for your attention and while I wait for your gentle replies, i hope you enjoy my cordial greetings.

Pescara, 6th January 2010

M. Mauro Pappagallo

President of “Confederazione Organistica Italiana”
2010-03-21 - Journée Européenne de l'Orgue - 21 mars Europe10
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2010-03-21 - Journée Européenne de l'Orgue - 21 mars
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