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 2010-10-11 - O LATRY - Beraroya Concert Hall, Seattle - 19h30

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Julien Girard
Julien Girard

Messages : 1090
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2009
Localisation : Neuilly-Plaisance

2010-10-11 - O LATRY - Beraroya Concert Hall, Seattle - 19h30 Empty
MessageSujet: 2010-10-11 - O LATRY - Beraroya Concert Hall, Seattle - 19h30   2010-10-11 - O LATRY - Beraroya Concert Hall, Seattle - 19h30 EmptyVen 17 Sep 2010 - 18:06

Olivier LATRY jouera Beraroya Concert Hall, Seattle - 19h30

Bach: Toccata and fugue in F major, BWV 540
Franck: Choral No. 2 in B minor
Widor: Allegro vivace from Organ Symphony No. 5 in F minor, Op. 42, No. 1
Boëly: Fantasy and fugue in B-flat major
Boëly: Andante con moto in G minor
Boëly: Allegro ma non troppo in F minor
Schumann: Canonic Etude in A-flat major
Schumann: Canonic Etude in B minor
Liszt: Prelude and Fugue on B.A.C.H. (first version)
Improvisation on submitted themes

2010-10-11 - O LATRY - Beraroya Concert Hall, Seattle - 19h30 2
Photo by Timothy Aguero

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2010-10-11 - O LATRY - Beraroya Concert Hall, Seattle - 19h30
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