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 Priory 3 - King's College - Stephen Cleobury

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Julien Girard
Julien Girard

Messages : 1090
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2009
Localisation : Neuilly-Plaisance

Priory 3 - King's College - Stephen Cleobury Empty
MessageSujet: Priory 3 - King's College - Stephen Cleobury   Priory 3 - King's College - Stephen Cleobury EmptySam 14 Nov 2009 - 12:06

PRDVD 3 - The Grand Organ of King's College, Cambridge. Stephen Cleobury (DVD and CD)

Priory 3 - King's College - Stephen Cleobury Imagefile-1227789707Stephen Cleobury plays the Harrison and Harrison Organ of King's College, Cambridge.

Programme :
1. Sonata No. 3 op.65
2. Master Tallis' Testament
3. Grand Choeur Dialogue
4. Weihnachten
5. Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
6. Air and Gavotte
7. Prelude and Fugue in D BWV 532
8. Chanson de Matin
9. Elegy
10. Chorale Prelude: O Mensch bewain BWV 622
11. Crown Imperial
F. Mendelssohn
H. Howells
E. Gigout
M. Reger
G.F. Handel
S.S. Wesley
E. Elgar
G. Thalben-Ball
J.S. Bach
W. Walton
Bonus tracks include tour of the organ and demonstration by Stephen Cleobury.

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