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 Hommage à Daniel Roth – A Portrait of an Artist

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Julien Girard
Julien Girard

Messages : 1090
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2009
Localisation : Neuilly-Plaisance

Hommage à Daniel Roth – A Portrait of an Artist Empty
MessageSujet: Hommage à Daniel Roth – A Portrait of an Artist   Hommage à Daniel Roth – A Portrait of an Artist EmptyMar 23 Fév 2010 - 11:16

With this DVD and CD we want to honour one of the great organ personalities of our time. It is intended to document his long, versatile artistic activity as an interpreter and improviser, as university teacher and composer.

In a 45-minute interview in the „Salon Widor“, Daniel Roth talks about his life, his development and his activities. Experience Daniel Roth at home in his study at the house organ and at the piano. Accompany Daniel Roth on a trip through Paris, and hear the master on his organ in St. Sulpice playing improvisations, and pieces by J.S. Bach, C.M. Widor, and C. Saint-Saens.

For Daniel Roth, music and organ-playing are an affair of the heart! „Actually I wanted to be a pianist but my mother told me: become an organist, so that you can use your music to improve humanity“. „I came to music through Albert Schweitzer“.

That’s Daniel Roth: a musician in body and soul!

The accompanying CD has a selection of recordings of Daniel Roth at the organ of St. Sulpice.

90 minutes DVD, Dolby Surround in German, English and French (sous-titres avec de bonnes fotes d'ortografes et de sintax).
50 minutes Audio-CD.
Price for DVD incl. CD € 29,90 chez ORGANpromotion ou 25€ à la sacristie de St-Sulpice

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Hommage à Daniel Roth – A Portrait of an Artist Roth-Titel
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Hommage à Daniel Roth – A Portrait of an Artist
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